Merindol landscape

Price Increase

“During this strained economic period, suppliers pass on their increasing input costs to you through regular cost price increases eroding your profitability over time.

A well-orchestrated product or service price increase will help you ‘stop the bleeding’ and result in a stronger, more robust P&L.

And once successfully negotiated, your price increase needs to be continuously defended and maintained otherwise further value-leakage will occur.

Merindol Negotiation practitioners have worked extensively with commercial teams across a range of industries to give them the right approach, the right tools and the confidence boost they need to successfully see a price increase through from beginning to end.

MDs, CEOs, COOs, CFOs and commercial/sales directors would greatly benefit from this service.

Merindol recently conducted several bespoke negotiation training and consulting projects for an FMCG key account team in both Ireland and the UK.

Recent trading initiatives with retailers in both markets required proactive negotiation planning support.

Trading initiatives were successfully implemented in both jurisdictions with all key accounts generating significantly increased sales volumes and corresponding EBITDA.